
How I get your photos under control:

If you have both printed and digital photos that need to be organized, I recommend that you start with your digital photos.

I specialize in Digital organizing and in Scanning. Scanning clients can choose from two levels of service.

Digital Organization

I will organize your digital photos by gathering all of your files, removing exact duplicates, and moving the remaining files into a series of chronological folders based on Year and then Month. With all of your files now in one place, I will recommend a method of backing up your entire collection for safety. I will also suggest choosing a Viewing platform that will allow you to view your photos on any device and easily share with others. I will work with you to document a photo routine that will allow you to maintain your collection moving forward.


I recommend scanning your analog images – prints, negatives, slides, and albums – so that they can be added to your digital images in a single family photo collection.

I have invested in professional equipment that allows me to scan a variety of items, including prints of every size, slides, negatives, and fragile and difficult items such as scrapbooks and albums.

I offer 2 levels of scanning:

My “Only Scan” level of service provides you with JPG files that have been cropped, rotated, and had basic color correction applied. These images will be placed in folders based on how you organized the items. For example, if you bring me 3 boxes of items labeled “College”, “Wedding”, and “Kids”, your photos will be placed in  3 folders with matching names; all photos in a given photo will be numbered sequentially. Only the photo fronts will be scanned. If viewed in a program like Apple Photos, all photos will be dated using the date I created the scan but you can adjust the “date taken” in many software programs. Any additional information on the photo back will not be included.

My “Scan and Organize” level of service also provides you with JPG files that have been cropped, rotated, and had basic color correction applied. In addition, each photo will be dated with an approximate date when it was taken. If viewed in a program like Apple Photos, photos from the 1930s will appear in the timeline of the 1930s instead of today’s date. The photos will be placed in chronological folders by Decade, Year, and when warranted, Month. We can also work together to identify important faces and add a keyword for each significant family member’s name. Any additional information about the photo that was written on the back of the photo (or next to it in an album) would be typed into the Caption field which helps keep the story with the photo. In most software, keywords and captions are searchable.
